
Kybernetes - the Gift of Administration

Among the Spiritual Gifts is one translated, variously, as leadership, governing or administration. Abundant conferences focus on Leadership, and feature powerful preachers, and heads of massive corporations, yet in the form of  administration,  it is one of the least recognized gifts, functioning in the background, not drawing attention to itself. 

Kubernesis is its Greek name, κυβερνησις. Originally relating to the work of a ship's captain, ὁ κυβερνήτης, directing the crew,  it is also the root of the modern word Cybernetics.  This blog comes from a pastor, a geek, used to working from a very small budget, little support staff, and way too much to do.  Although I've come recently to a larger church with more volunteers and great staff, the greater need to equip and coordinate the saints makes my years of looking for effective low cost tools even more fruitful in the new setting. I hope that what I've scrounged up helps God's people - staff and volunteers - make every dollar do more for the kingdom of God.